Secret Message: In this application, this is a wonderful feature because you can send the message without directly showing the message, so the receiver can see the message if they decrypt the message using the same decryption key. Through this application you can encrypt your message and send it to whatsapp, Instagram or any other messangers.In this application, we have many featuresa) Text to Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, and ASCII converterb) Binary to Text, Octal, Hexadecimal, and ASCII converterc) Octal to Text, Hexadecimal, and ASCII converterd) Hexadecimal to Text, Binary, Octal, ASCII convertere) ASCII to Text, Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal ConverterAlso, we show some common ASCII values in the table for quick reference.Emoji: We collected more than 300+ ASCII emojis and you can send or easy to copy from our application.